Yes we can. The first Low-Tech and Bio-Based office in The Netherlands.
OZ’s years of experience in designing buildings have taught us that we have become increasingly dependent on technology to achieve sustainability. Unfortunately, while more technology makes buildings appear more sustainable on paper, it also makes them unaffordable. Our conclusion? The key does not lie in expensive installations and solar panels but in smart, sustainable architecture.
That’s why we, together with Synchroon, are taking the initiative for change. We are building the first Low-Tech office in the Netherlands. In addition to being the designer and user of part of the building, we are also co-developers. For us, development is not an end in itself but a means to realize our Low-Tech ambitions and create better buildings together.
We believe in a future with fewer installations and more architecture. Not because we are idealists, but because we are realists.
Less is Real
With our new Low-Tech office, we are creating a building that shifts the cost of installations toward more space for architecture. In this way, we are investing in a better building—literally. We design spaces with high ceilings and natural ventilation using bio-based materials, based on passive building techniques. This allows us to create a healthy, comfortable, and affordable workplace. And it is absolutely possible.
We not only reduce construction costs but also minimize maintenance. Instead of additional hardware, we invest in smart software. With advanced simulations, we eliminate the need for air conditioning, and afterward, software continues to monitor comfort levels in the spaces.

All in all, Low-Tech construction means less material use, less reliance on solar panels, and drastically lower energy consumption. This building is not just a step in the right direction—it is entirely Paris Proof, both in ecological footprint and in use.

The Sunny Side: Buiksloterham
We love Noord. We believe in the power of a neighborhood where living, working, and leisure come together. Proximity to the central station is essential to us, as is the vibrant cultural environment—from the Eye and Tolhuistuin to the galleries, workshops, and festivals at the NDSM werf.
Our office is part of the Tolhuiskade in Buiksloterham, an area that has transformed from an industrial zone into a breeding ground for innovation and change. Our Low-Tech office, with affordable workspaces for small businesses in the creative sector, seamlessly fits into this development.
But we want to do more than just create a place to work. Our building should give something back to the city. That’s why the ground floor will not only house workspaces but also offer space for exhibitions, lectures, and a place to have lunch—a meeting place for both users and the neighborhood. Our contribution to a lively Tolhuiskade.

Low-Tech office building
4.590 m2 GFA
In collaboration with:
Synchroon, Aveco de Bondt,
Solid Timber
In development
Jamie Bakkes, John Bosch,
Oresti Sarafopoulos, Sam Scholting,
Maarten Verhelst, Marilene de Wit
Artist impressions:
Urban design:
Studioninedots, DELVA